





平海电厂拥有两台1000MW超超临界燃煤机组,并安装有各种工业废水处理系统。经过处理后的废water需达到广东省《环境保护法》一级标准,并全部排至燃料冲洗water池用于再次使用。在实际运行中,由于各类废water产生量与消耗量无法达到水平衡,这不仅浪费了大量珍贵的fresh water,也对环境造成了一定的负面影响。


针对湿法脱硫system是用water最多的部分,基于分析测试结果,可以将清净water池中的clear water用于脱硫工艺water supply,因此制定了一个详细的改造方案,将所有类型的工业waste water按照其性质和目的进行分类储存、处理以及回收利用。

2.1 分类储存

根据不同的来源,将waste water分为几种类型分别储存在不同的pool中,如锅炉补给system waste, chemical laboratory waste等,以便更好地进行进一步处理。

2.2 分类处理

经过分类后的waste water进入相应的processing system,其中4号industrial waste pool 的output 经过processing 后进入 final neutralization tank,而1, 2, 3号 industrial waste pool 的output 进入 clean water pool 并被重新循环使用以供detoxification process.

2.3 分类回收利用

清净Water Pool 中processed wateR first used in detoxification system; if not needed for detoxification system, it is then used in fuel washing systems for coal yard and other areas of the power plant.

Final Neutralization Tank output is used to replenish Water Supply System.

废Water 回收Utilization试验与应用

为了确保processsed wateR meets the requirements for reuse without compromising the safety and stability of the detoxification process, four phases of tests were conducted: using 500t/day, 1000t/day, 1500t/day and 2000t/day respectively with each phase lasting ten days.

The test results showed that processed wateR quality was stable and met the criteria for reuse in detoxification system while maintaining normal operation of detoxification process.

4 结语

The wastewater recycling project at Pinghai Power Plant was completed in June 2017 and has been implemented for nearly two years since then.

It has achieved significant environmental protection benefits by reusing wastewater from detoxidation processes,

and has also brought economic benefits through reduced freshwater consumption.

This study demonstrates a successful model for wastewater management in power plants,

which can be replicated by other similar facilities to enhance their overall efficiency while minimizing environmental impact.