此前,“空氣十條”已明確提出,到2017年,京津冀區域細顆粒物(PM2.5)浓度下降25%,其中北京市細顆粒物年均濃度控制在60微克/立方米左右。有觀點認為,只有2017年的目標是不夠的大氣治理是一項長久工作之後乃至更長時間的 京津冀區域的大氣如何治理需要中長期規劃作為指導。
早在去年環保部門就提出將制定地區內大氣污染防治的中長期規劃今年3月 市長王安順 在 “中國發展高層論壇2015” 經濟峰會上透露 京津冀將加快推動形成生物圈共同體 下一步將聯合制定 京津 冀及周邊地區 大氣污染防治 中長期規劃 共同構建地區生態安全體系。
據了解 《京津 冀協同發展規劃綱要》 即將公布 市環保局協調處處 長李立新 表示 將以 《京 津 冀協同發展規划綱要》 及 《 京 津 冘 協 同 發 展 生 態 环 保 规 划 》 為 指導 編 制 _ 項情況預警分級標準、應急措施力度統一逐步實現預警分級標準、應急措施力度統一逐步實現預警分級標準、應急措施力度統一逐步實現預警分級標準、應急措施力度統一逐步實現預警分級標準、應急措施力度統一逐步實現預警分級標準、應激
measurements, and the coordinated control of air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.
The article highlights the importance of a long-term plan for air pollution control in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, which will be implemented through a series of measures aimed at reducing PM2.5 concentrations by 25% by 2017. The plan also includes provisions for improving air quality monitoring and early warning systems, as well as strengthening cooperation between local governments to tackle regional air pollution issues.
According to Li Lidong, Deputy Director of the Coordination Department at the Ministry of Environmental Protection, "We are working on a comprehensive plan that covers all aspects related to environmental protection and ecological restoration." He added that "we aim to create an ecological barrier around major cities like Beijing and Tianjin" to protect them from further deterioration caused by nearby industrial activities.
In addition to these measures, other key initiatives include:
Establishing an emergency response system for severe air pollution incidents;
Implementing stricter emissions standards for industries such as coal-fired power plants;
Increasing funding for renewable energy projects;
Promoting green transportation alternatives; and
Enhancing public awareness campaigns about air quality risks.
Overall, this article underscores the urgency of addressing regional air pollution challenges in China's capital city region while highlighting ongoing efforts towards sustainable development