



Underground, the peculiar Rhizanthella gardneri blooms in a style that is both strange and captivating, standing out in the plant kingdom. It spends its entire life underground, even going so far as to flower there - a unique survival strategy that has no equal in nature.

However, this highly endangered species now numbers less than 50 individuals growing wild. Scientists are working intensively to study its genome, revealing some astonishing facts. In 2010, researchers at Western Australia University used radioactive tracing techniques to discover that this orchid obtains all the nutrients it needs through a special symbiotic relationship with fungi on the roots of Banksia (a woody shrub native to Western Australia's inland regions).

This particular orchid lacks any green parts and is completely unable to photosynthesize; yet it retains chloroplasts - the organelles responsible for photosynthesis in plants. "We found that 70% of its chloroplast genes have been lost compared to ordinary plants," said Dr Etienne Duret-Lutz, lead researcher on the project and director of ARC Plant Energy Biology Research Centre. "It only has 37 genes - fewer than any known plant chloroplast genome."

"We already knew that chloroplast genomes specify genetic codes for functions beyond photosynthesis," said Professor Ian Small from ARC Centre for Excellence in Plant Sciences."But these functions are hard to study in ordinary plants." In contrast, underground orchids have had everything except what's necessary for their parasitic lifestyle cut away.

Scientists discovered that it retains only one set of genes essential for four key proteins within its chloroplast genome - making research much easier. Mark Brandis Vice President of Orchid Rescue Project calls it one of the most beautiful and unusual signature orchids worldwide: "On-site conservation combined with cutting-edge lab technology has led to significant discoveries impacting both science and conservation." The genomic sequence is an invaluable resource enabling us assess genetic diversity among such rare species.

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