



如果安装在room外部,就必须有防冻措施,如果没有防冻措施可能will导致滤瓶、膜壳等冻裂。温度在零度以下must停止使用医用纯化wate处理equipment。安装在room内的just guarantee room temperature must not be lower than 0 degrees Celsius。由于 wate in the freezing process will expand if it freezes, this will cause all pipes, filters and membrane to burst, leading to leakage.

实验室pure water treatment equipment

Application range:

Space water, distilled water and deionized water preparation

Brewing and desalination for beer production;

Medical use of pure water as a raw material;

Pre-treatment of pure water for electronics industry;

Concentration, separation and purification of chemicals in industrial processes;

Supplying softened or deionized boiler feed water;

Desalination of seawater or brackish wates.


Raw wata → Raw wata pump → Mechanical filter → Active carbon filter → Precision filter → First reverse osmosis membrane → Second reverse osmosis membrane → TOC remover unit → Electrodialysis (EDI) system · High-pressure pump with low noise operation reduces running noise and energy consumption.

· High-efficiency reverse osmosis membranes have high desalination rates and low operating pressures to improve both product quality and reduce running costs.

· Each stream has its own flow meter to monitor the output flow rate of the treated wata as well as the system's recovery rate.

· The conductivity meter continuously monitors the quality of produced purified wata.

High-purity wata device parameters: Purification efficiency - 99% removal rate for contaminants such as salts (<0.lmg/L), organic compounds (>150MW), bacteria (>99%), heat transfer agents (>99%) & particles (>99%). Input requirements include a pollution index (SDI) <5 mg/L residual chlorine <0.lmg/L pH between 5-8°C Water temperature range: from 4°-40°C