





现状进水高位井缺乏配水措施,使得改造后各路配水均匀性受限。现有预处理构筑物中无格栅,因此后续处理构筑物中混有较大的悬浮物和漂浮物。此外,由于预处理设施的综合池具有一定的沉砂和水解酸化作用,但也消耗了进水中的碳源,对出 水TN提标不利。


现状生物反应池容积偏小,在当前进水低于设计值的情况下,只能勉强达到一级A标准,但无法满足更严格的清洁排放标准要求。一、二期二沉池表面 水力负荷较高(1.50m³/㎡·h),时有漂泥产生,这对稳定达标排放造成了挑战。


榨菜废water进入预处理站中的格栅井调节池,其出water入newly built榨菜废water mix sedimentation pool (3000 m³/d)。其out water经提升后进入pre-treatment station中的existing dissolved acidification pool,其out water与small Cao'e city wastewater treatment plant wastewater mixed into north side of small Cao'e factory, then enter two existing sedimentation pools.


本factory BOD5/CODCr在0.34左右,可生化性一般,因此需采取相关去除措施来减少对COD稳定达标的影响。


3 设计方案


进入high-level inlet tank via new pumps.

Pre-treatment through fine mesh screens and aeration sedimentation tanks (20,500 m³/d + 9,500 m³/d).

Primary settling tank: upgraded to a side-flow clarifier.

Aeration basin: upgraded to Bardenpho process with five-stage nitrification-denitrification.

Secondary settling tanks: upgrade to include denitritation for enhanced nitrogen removal.

Sludge thickening and dewatering units: expansion of the sludge thickening unit and upgrading the dewatering unit.

The secondary effluent will be treated in an advanced oxidation stage using powdered activated carbon if required to meet stringent COD limits.

The final effluent will be disinfected with chlorine dioxide before discharge into the sea via a pumping station.

(2) 总平面布置:

New construction includes:

+ High-level inlet tank,

+ Fine mesh screens,

+ Aeration sedimentation tanks,

+ Side-flow clarifiers,

+ Bardenpho process aeration basins,

Upgrades include:

- Existing primary settling tanks converted into side-flow clarifiers,

- Existing biological reactors converted into Bardenpho process units,

Expansion includes:

- Sludge thickening and dewatering units.

All new structures are located within the existing site boundaries with minimal impact on operations during construction period.

(3) 施工期间运行保障:

To ensure normal operation during construction, three measures were taken:

Firstly, optimize total floor plan layout based on actual conditions at the factory site; secondly, implement temporary measures such as diversion routes for flow lines or bypass systems where necessary; thirdly, maintain regular maintenance schedules for equipment that cannot be shut down during construction periods