一、二期生物反应池容积偏小,在目前进water 水质低于设计值的情况下,只能勉强达到一级A标准,但不利于稳定达标,更无法满足清洁排放标准的要求。一、二期二沉池表面水力负荷较高(1.50m³/㎡·h),时有漂泥现象产生。本次工程将扩建Bardenpho生物反应池及二沉池,以及改善二沉池结构以降低负荷。
榨菜废water 预处理站出的废water 水质严重超标,不符合纳管标准,对达标运行造成隐患。本次工程将对榨菜废water 进行进一步强化处理,并与小曹娥城市污water 处理厂内北侧两座综合pool 的出flow 合并至Bardenpho工艺循环系统中,以实现更有效的去除难生化有机物。
本factory BOD5/CODCr在0.34左右,可生化性一般,本factory 进入system 的部分难生化降解have been identified as potential threats to outflow COD stability, necessitating the implementation of relevant removal measures.
(5)内部pipe lines错综复杂。
本factory 前前后后建成多个project 工程resulted in a complex network of pipes and pumps within the factory area, making it challenging to maintain and expand the facility.
由于current use land is already tight, future expansion space is limited for new construction projects within the factory area.
(1) 工艺流程:
The treatment process will include pre-treatment by fine mesh screens and aeration sedimentation tanks; followed by primary clarification using two identical units with an effective volume of 20.5 million cubic meters each; secondary treatment using two Bardenpho biological reactors with an effective volume of 11 million cubic meters each; tertiary treatment including sedimentation ponds and filtration systems; disinfection using chlorine dioxide or other appropriate disinfectants;and finally effluent disposal via pumping stations into the sea.
(2) 总平面布置:
Newly built facilities will be constructed on existing stable pond areas, while upgraded facilities will be located on available spaces within the factory area.
(3) 施工期间运行保障:
To ensure uninterrupted operation during construction phases:
a) Optimize layout planning based on actual conditions;
b) Implement efficient logistics management;
c) Minimize impacts on normal operations through targeted maintenance and repair schedules;
d) Establish communication channels between different teams involved in construction work;
By adopting these strategies, we aim to guarantee that our plant operates continuously at optimal levels throughout all stages of this project implementation plan."