

2024年11月10日,由中国城市环境卫生协会主办的2024中国环境卫生博览会在北京国际展览中心盛大开幕。来自全国环卫系统各级主管部门、国家级相关行业协会、各省级环卫协(学)会的有关负责人,以及有关高校、科研院所、环卫企事业单位的代表约3000余人参加,共襄这场环卫行业的年度盛举。在中国城市环境卫生协会科学技术奖颁奖大会中,江苏华星东方环保科技有限公司“HTCD高效新型低碳工艺”荣获科技进步二等奖。( High-Efficiency Trailblazing Carbon-reducing Design 高效新型低碳工艺 简称“HTCD” )

The 2024 China Environmental Health Expo is hosted by China Urban Environmental Health Association at Beijing International Exhibition Center on Nov 10th. More than 3,000 people from the competent departments of the national environmental sanitation system at all levels, the national relevant industry associations, the relevant responsible personnels of the provincial environmental health association (institute), as well as representatives of relevant universities, scientific research institutes, environmental health enterprises and institutions have participated in this annual celebration of the environmental sanitation industry. In the Science and Technology Award ceremony of China Urban Environmental Health Association, HEPT has won the second prize of science and Technology Progress for HTCD Efficient New low-carbon process. (High-Efficiency Trailblazing Carbon-reducing Design)


The expo not only brings together experts, scholars and business representatives in the field of environmental health at home and abroad, but also focuses on showing the latest technological achievements and industry trends. During this industry event, our independent research and development of HTCD efficient new low-carbon process technology has win the second prize for scientific and technological progress of 2024 Science and Technology Award by China Urban Environmental Health Association. It is a great affirmation of our technical strength and innovation capability.


HTCD Efficient New low-carbon process is an important achievement of our company in the field of environmental protection, which represents our latest progress in flue gas cleaning technology. With its characteristics of high efficiency, energy conserving, consistent stability and eco-friendly, the technology provides strong technical support for improving urban environmental quality and promoting green industry development.


This award will further promote our company to continue to work intensively in the field of environmental protection, put more investment in research and development, advance technological innovation, provide to society with better qualified products with services as well as work unrelentingly to achieve sustainable development goals.