值得注意的是,由于供应链不匹配和其他问题,如今中下游企业不得不亲自参与扩产,以通过与大型供应商合作来弥补其环节上的不足。例如,通威和晶科能源共同投资4.5万吨高纯晶硎和15GW硅片项目。而特变电工、晶科、以及晶澳则签署了一份增资扩股协议书,为建设年产10万吨高纯多晶硎绿色能源循环经济项目做准备。此外,还有江苏润阳宣布将在石嘴山市投入130亿元建造年产10万吨高纯多晶 硎项目。
此外,不断有新的玩家进入该领域。同德化工宣布对山西落基山光伏能源科技有限公司进行了投资,而青海丽豪半导体材料则规划了一项总计180亿元的20万吨高纯晶 硎项目。这使得未来几年的可能发展趋势非常明朗:老牌企业将继续大规模扩产,而新兴力量也不甘落后,将以壮观的手段展开竞争。
国内主要现有的及拟建的多晶 硎生产能力如下表所示:
| 企业名称 | 产品类型 | 生产能力 |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 东方希望 | 多元Si, HP Crystal Si | 40kt/a |
| 特变电工 | 高纯Multi-Crystalline Silicon (HP mc-Si) and Mono-Crystalline Silicon (Mono-Si) wafers and cells for solar applications, as well as other semiconductor products such as silicon carbide (SiC) wafers and power devices. Solar cells & modules: up to 400MWp per year; Si ingots & wafers: up to 60kt per year. High-purity multi-crystal silicon (HP mc-Si): up to 30kt per year; high-purity mono-crystal silicon (HP Mono-Si): up to 20kt per year; polycrystalline silicon (poly-Si): up to 100mt/year. Photovoltaic modules: Up to MWp capacity for the production of photovoltaic modules in various sizes, including large-format solar panels with a maximum power output of approximately GWp each. The company's production facilities include a polysilicon plant with an annual capacity of approximately mt/y., crystalline ingot production lines with an annual capacity of approximately kt/y., wafer cutting machines with an annual capacity of kt/y., cell manufacturing equipment with an annual capacity of MWp/, module assembly equipment with an annual capacity of MWp/. In addition, the company is developing new technologies for the mass production of bifacial solar cells and high-efficiency PV modules using advanced materials such as heterojunction technology-based multi-junction solar cells or monocrystalline diamond substrate-based thin-film photovoltaic devices.. |
Please note that this information may not be accurate or complete at the time you read it.
This article will continue in part two...