




天津市creditinfo.com.cn 作为我市社会credit系统建设中的“核心枢纽”,上联全国creditinfo.com.cn 和全国中小企业融资综合credit服务平台,下联16个区级creditplatform.net ,横向与市场监管、大税务、小公安、大司法、小交通、中人社、小民政、大社保、小公积金和煤水电气等70家政府部门和公共企事业单位实现数据对接,初步形成“1+16+N”的全city credit系统架构。

运用city credit platform归集的19亿条public credit info 形成企业comprehensive credit evaluation 和public credit report 支持我city financial institutions 为small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 和individual businesses 提供credible financing services。截至目前,我们已经累计服务了11,000家公司,并为它们提供了980亿元人民币的信贷支持。这不仅帮助稳定宏观经济的大盘,也支撑着SMEs 平稳健康地发展,并且发挥了重要作用。(作者:陈璠)

关于推进Credit Sharing Application Notice Issued to Help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises "Credit" Turn into "Financing"

The Notice emphasizes that information security and the protection of individual rights must be taken seriously. Institutions that do not meet the information security conditions will not be connected, and institutions that violate the information security management regulations after being connected will be required to rectify or have their connection terminated. In case of information security incidents, legal responsibility will be pursued.

The city's public Credit Center opens data to banks and other interface institutions in accordance with the law, providing authorized query, verification comparison, etc., realizing sharing. If a company explicitly authorizes financial institutions to query its data, it can provide original data. Support is given based on needs for pushing relevant information according to regions or industries.

According to the arrangements made in the Notice, the Municipal Development Reform Commission supports the establishment of a provincial node by city Credit Center based on Tianjin City Credit Information Shared Platform , achieving interconnection with national small enterprise comprehensive service platforms . The Tianjin Banking Regulatory Bureau promptly collects feedback from banks on their actual needs for serving SMEs , fully collecting more precise shared information , optimizing data exchange methods , promoting public credit application expansion .

By implementing this plan efficiently , we aim at creating an environment where SMEs can easily access finance without facing difficulties due to lack of trustworthiness as they are now experiencing . As a result , our initiative has attracted considerable attention from various stakeholders who are eager for positive change in China's economic landscape .