


首先,必须明确的是,污水处理是一个复杂的过程,它涉及多种不同的技术和方法。这些技术可以分为物理、化学和生物三大类,其中物理法包括沉淀、浮选、压滤等;化学法则包括化合物去除、氧化还原反应等;生物法则包含活性슬UDGE(AS)系统、固定床生物反应器(Fixed Bed Biofilm Reactor)等。然而,不论是哪种工艺流程,都需要对进入处理系统的污水进行一定程度上的预处理,以便更有效地进行后续操作。




Chemical disinfection, or chemical disinfecting, is a process that uses chemicals to kill microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses in wastewater. The most commonly used disinfectants are chlorine-based compounds, which react with the organic matter in the water to form hypochlorous acid (HOCl). This highly reactive acid has strong oxidizing properties that can effectively break down and destroy microbial cells.


Chemical disinfection is often applied at the end of a wastewater treatment plant's biological treatment process. At this stage, most organic pollutants have been removed through biological processes such as aerobic and anaerobic degradation. However, some pathogens may still remain present due to their resistance to physical removal methods or because they were not fully eliminated during previous stages of treatment.

The addition of chlorine-based disinfectants ensures that these remaining pathogens are destroyed before the treated wastewater is discharged into receiving water bodies or reused for irrigation purposes.


While chemical disinfection plays an essential role in ensuring public health by eliminating potential disease-causing agents from treated wastewater, it must be carefully integrated with other elements of the overall pollution control strategy.

For example:

Physical-chemical-biological three-stage treatment: In many modern wastewater treatment plants, a combination of physical sedimentation processes (such as primary clarification), chemical coagulation/flocculation steps (to remove suspended solids), and biological aerated filters (for nitrification-denitrification) are used together with final chlorination for complete pathogen elimination.

Advanced oxidation processes: Some facilities use advanced oxidation processes like ozone or UV radiation instead of traditional chlorine-based systems. These methods can provide similar levels of microbial reduction while minimizing potential environmental impacts associated with residual chlorine concentrations.

Secondary effluent reuse: For cases where treated effluent will be reused directly without further tertiary treatment steps, additional measures might be taken to ensure compliance with drinking water standards—potable reuse systems incorporate multiple barriers against contaminants including reverse osmosis filtration followed by ultraviolet light sterilization.

Sludge management: Chemicals may also play a role in sludge dewatering treatments; flocculants help improve settling properties by enhancing particle aggregation efficiency before subsequent drying operations can occur efficiently enough for disposal via landfill sites or incineration technologies like fluidized bed combustion units based on fly ash content analysis results when analyzing material composition prior deciding appropriate waste handling strategies depending upon local regulations guidelines availability resources available cost factors involved etcetera…